# LEAVES Project (actuaL-potEntiAl eVapotranspiration rElation aSsessment) This project investigates the assessment of actual evapo-transpiration out of potential evapo-transpiration models under water stressed conditions. The workflow is coded in python. The scripts tagged **main scripts** produce the main results of the project. The notebooks with the extension `.ran.ipynb` are those created while running renku, they are part of the knowledge graph (accessible from the RenkuLab interface --> files --> tab *Lineage*, next to *Contents*). All the `.png` files in the folder tagged **main scripts** are inlcuded in the knowledge graph as well. ## **Data file structure** The structure of the repository is the following : * data : Folder containing all the data sets used for this project * eddycovdata * `.nc files` : NETCFD4 files from the eddy covariance OzFlux database * `.txt files` : fpar time series of the different sites * notebooks : All the computationnal material (.ipynb and .py files) * Data_explore: * `data_explore.ipynb`: visual and basic exploration of the datasets of the different study sites * theory: * `theory.ipynb`: notebook defining all the physical variables and equations in the symbolic domain using sympy and ESSM * pyFile_storage: * `theory_variable.py`: .py file automatically created from `theory.ipynb` that contains the definition of the different variables used in the project. Having a separated .py file allows to call the variables defined in `theory.ipynb` in other scripts/notebooks. * `theory_equation.py`: .py file automatically created from `theory.ipynb` that contains the definition of the different equations used in the project. Having a separated .py file allows to call the equations defined in `theory.ipynb` in other scripts/notebooks. * `analysis_function.py`: .py file containing the function of the different metrics (fitting performance) used in the project * Finished_project: * simpler_model: * `simpler_model.ipynb`: experiments 1.X (exploration and comparison of the different models, sensitivity to changes in atmospheric forcing, sensitivity to calibration parameters, inverse modelling fitting, statistical fitting performance, systematic site assessment), **main script** * latex_files: store the metric results as latex tables (`.txt` files) * meaning_stress_factor: * `meaning_stress_factor.ipynb`: experiments 2.X (information contained in the $f_{PAR}$ coefficient, comparing the complete and incomplete $g_s$ models), **main script** * stress_factor_shape: * `stress_factor_shape.ipynb`: experiments 3.X (non linear definition of the stress factor), **main script** * Ws_sensitivity: * `wind_speed_sensitivity.ipynb`: investigating the dependance of the Penman-Monteith model to wind speed using sympy and ESSM * Miscellaneous: * var_VS_cst: * var_VS_cst.ipynb * var_cst_assessment.ipynb * soilPotential: * WaterPotential.ipynb * siteAssessment: * modelRun.ipynb * inverseModelling.ipynb * fParAssess.ipynb * modelAssessment: * RsParameterVariability.ipynb * fPAR_effect: * LAI_effect.ipynb * fPAR_effect.ipynb * conductance: * YearThetaFunc.ipynb * modelRun_conductance.ipynb * fitModel_error.ipynb * compare_g_VOM: * soil_conductance.ipynb * aesara_test: * aesara_assessment.ipynb * Dockerfile * environment.yml * README.md : information about the project and it organisation * Renku_commands.txt : All the Renku commands used in this project * requirements.txt : required python packages for this project