# edl_fetch_explore by Maroun Bou Sleiman This project explores the Lebanese electricity sector (Electricite du Liban = EDL). The electricity sector in Lebanon is notoriously known for being one of the worst in the world. I do not understand how such a basic service, based on old technology, cannot be provided to the people. This project uses openly available data to assess this sector. The feeding data used are the ones published by EDL on their website (http://www.edl.gov.lb/feeding.php). The accuracy and quality of this dataset is therefore the sole responsibility of EDL. The notebook is also published on [RPubs](https://rpubs.com/marounbs/edl_mapping). Shield: [![CC BY 4.0][cc-by-shield]][cc-by] This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License][cc-by]. [![CC BY 4.0][cc-by-image]][cc-by] [cc-by]: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ [cc-by-image]: https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png [cc-by-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-CC%20BY%204.0-lightgrey.svg ## Setup Basic R 4.0 template. See the `Dockerfile` and `install.R` files for modifications from the base template. ## Steps 1. First step is to crawl the http://www.edl.gov.lb/?=&lang=en website, specifically the daily supply section (http://www.edl.gov.lb/feeding.php). This is performed using the `./R/edl_feeding_crawler.R` followed by `./R/edl_feeding_postprocess.R`. It's a time consuming step. It is best to run from terminal as follows if you want to track inputs and outputs. ``` ## without Renku Rscript ./R/edl_feeding_crawler.R Rscript ./R/edl_feeding_postprocess.R ## with Renku renku run Rscript ./R/edl_feeding_crawler.R renku run Rscript ./R/edl_feeding_postprocess.R ## If you append `update` as an argument, the script will first read available data and complete it with more recent data Rscript ./R/edl_feeding_crawler.R update Rscript ./R/edl_feeding_postprocess.R update ``` By default the script will fetch the data from 20 Oct 2008 to "today". You'll need to modify the script to change the dates. Earlies date (I think) is 20 Oct 2008. 2. Second step is general observation of the acquired data 3. Third step is placing the data on the map. # General Renku information ## Introduction This is a Renku project - basically a git repository with some bells and whistles. You'll find we have already created some useful things like `data` and `notebooks` directories and a `Dockerfile`. ## Working with the project The simplest way to start your project is right from the Renku platform - just click on the `Environments` tab and start a new session. This will start an interactive environment right in your browser. To work with the project anywhere outside the Renku platform, click the `Settings` tab where you will find the git repo URLs - use `git` to clone the project on whichever machine you want. ### Changing interactive environment dependencies Initially we install a very minimal set of packages to keep the images small. However, you can add python and conda packages in `requirements.txt` and `environment.yml`, and R packages to `install.R` (listed as, for example, `install.packages("ggplot2")`), to your heart's content. If you need more fine-grained control over your environment, please see [the documentation](https://renku.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/advanced_interfaces.html#dockerfile-modifications). ## Project configuration Project options can be found in `.renku/renku.ini`. In this project there is currently only one option, which specifies the default type of environment to open, in this case `/rstudio`. ## Moving forward Once you feel at home with your project, we recommend that you replace this README file with your own project documentation! Happy data wrangling!