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from typing import Union

import pandas as pd

Pauline Maury Laribière's avatar
Pauline Maury Laribière committed
from fso_metadata.constants import BASE_URL
from fso_metadata.format_request import REQUEST_FUNCTION_MAPPING
class Api:
    Api class to make appropriate request based on parameters
        export_format: str = "JSON",
        root_url: str = BASE_URL,
        parameters: Union[str, dict] = None,
        _id: str = None,
        language: str = "en",
        version_format: float = 2.1,
    ) -> None:
        - api_type (str): the name of the api to call (see url_mapping)
        - export_format (str, default="JSON"): the export's format
           Available are CSV, XLSX, SDMX-ML and JSON.
        - root_url (str, default=BASE_URL): root url to call
            (for i14y or dcat)
        - parameters (Union[str, dict]): additional request parameters
        - _id: the identifier or id of the request's object
        - language (str, default='en'): the language of the response data
            Available are 'fr', 'de', 'it', 'en'.
        - version_format (float, default=2.1): the export format's version
          (2.0 or 2.1 when format is SDMX-ML) (for 'codelist')
        self.root_url = root_url
        self.export_format = export_format
        self.parameters = parameters

        self.api_url = self.get_url(
            api_type, _id, version_format, language
    def get_response(self) -> Union[dict, pd.DataFrame]:
        Depending on the expected output, call the api appropriately
            - response (pd.DataFrame or dict) based on the export format
                - a pd.DataFrame if export_format was CSV or XLSX
                - a dictionnary if export_format was SDMX-ML or SDMX-JSON.
        request_function = REQUEST_FUNCTION_MAPPING[self.export_format]
        return request_function(
            f"{self.root_url}/api/{self.api_url}", self.parameters
        api_type: str,
        _id: str,
        version_format: float,
        language: str,
        Get the url call based on the api type and parameters
        url_mapping = {
            "codelist": f"CodeLists/{_id}/exports/{self.export_format}/{version_format}",
            "dcat_data_structure": f"DataStructures/{_id}/{language}",
            "nomenclature_one_level": f"Nomenclatures/{_id}/levelexport/CSV",
            "nomenclature_multiple_levels": f"Nomenclatures/{_id}/multiplelevels/CSV",

        return url_mapping[api_type]