% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/api_call.R \name{get_nomenclature_multiple_levels} \alias{get_nomenclature_multiple_levels} \title{Get multiple levels of a nomenclature (from `level_from` to `level_to`)} \usage{ get_nomenclature_multiple_levels( identifier, environment = "PRD", filters = list(), level_from = 1, level_to = 2, language = "fr", annotations = FALSE ) } \arguments{ \item{identifier}{nomenclature's identifier} \item{environment}{environment on which to query API Available are 'PRD', 'ABN', 'TEST', 'QA' and 'DEV'.} \item{filters}{additionnal filters} \item{level_from}{the 1st level to include} \item{level_to}{the last level to include} \item{language}{the language of the response data Available are 'fr', 'de', 'it', 'en'.} \item{annotations}{flag to include annotations} } \value{ dataframe columns from `level_from` to `level_to` codes } \description{ Get multiple levels of a nomenclature (from `level_from` to `level_to`) }