#' API query for SDMX output #' #' @param url url to query #' #' @return dataframe response sdmx_request <- function(url) { as.data.frame(rsdmx::readSDMX(url)) } #' API query for JSON output #' #' @param url url to query #' #' @return response: dataframe or list of dataframes json_request <- function(url) { jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(httr::GET(url)$content)) } #' API query for CSV output #' #' @param url url to query #' @importFrom utils read.csv #' #' @return dataframe response csv_request <- function(url) { read.csv(url) } # Request function based on expected response REQUEST_FUNCTION_MAPPING <- hash::hash( "SDMX-ML" = sdmx_request, "JSON" = json_request, "CSV" = csv_request ) #' Transform a hash object into a string of parameters #' hash::hash("a" = list("1"), "b" = list("2", "3")) #' becomes "a=1&b=2&b=3" #' #' @param filters hash object #' #' @return formatted string of parameters hash_to_string <- function(filters) { string <- "" for (prop in ls(filters)) { for (value in filters[[prop]]) { if (string == "") { string <- glue::glue("{prop}={value}") } else { string <- paste(string, glue::glue("{prop}={value}"), sep = "&") } } } string }