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Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
FROM renku/singleuser-r:0.4.4-renku0.9.0

RUN pipx install renku=='0.9.1' --force 
# Uncomment and adapt if code is to be included in the image
# COPY src /code/src

# Uncomment and adapt if your R or python packages require extra linux (ubuntu) software
# e.g. the following installs apt-utils and vim; each pkg on its own line, all lines
# except for the last end with backslash '\' to continue the RUN line
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
USER root
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
     apt-utils \
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
     texlive \
     texlive-extra-utils \
     texlive-bibtex-extra \
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
     texlive-latex-base \
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
     texlive-latex-recommended \
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
     texlive-latex-extra \
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
     texlive-full \
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
     texlive-font-utils \
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
     texlive-fonts-extra \
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
     libnetcdf-dev \
     netcdf-bin \
     libhdf5-dev \
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
#    vim
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed
Laurent Gatto's avatar
Laurent Gatto committed

# install the R dependencies
COPY install.R /tmp/
RUN R -f /tmp/install.R

# install the python dependencies
COPY requirements.txt /tmp/
RUN pip3 install -r /tmp/requirements.txt

RUN chmod -R 777 /usr/local/lib/R/site-library