# data-test-sched A test data that will be controlled by a scheduler. ## Dataset template Template to add a dataset to an omnibenchmark project. For each dataset that you have, **one dedicated repository** has to be created from this template to upload the data on the renku system. ## Steps to add your own data to omnibenchmark on Renku ### 1. Initialize your new project I. On the Renku page, click *new project*. II. In the fields, paste: - [omni_data](https://renkulab.io/gitlab/omnibenchmark/omni_data) or a similar *omnibenchmark* project group in `Namespace`, - `https://github.com/ansonrel/contributed-project-templates` in `Repository URL`, - `main` in the `Repository Reference`, - `Custom - Basic omnibenchmark dataset` as a template. III. Start a new environment in the `Environments` tab of your Renku project. ### 2. Format data I. In your interactive environment, download and process your data with `src/data-test-sched.R` by completing the code. You can check how the data can look like using the `dummy_data()` function (included in the code) and run `dummy_data(write_data=TRUE)` if you want to see how the output files should look like, namely: - `counts_data-test-sched.mtx.gz`: a sparse matrix of the count data (genes x cells) - `feature_data-test-sched.json`: a JSON file created from the features metadata of your dataset (e.g. `rowData`) with the first column containing non-duplicated ENSEMBL IDs of the genes. Other columns can optionally be added for example gene symbols etc. - `meta_data-test-sched.json`: a JSON file created from the cells metadata of your dataset (e.g. `colData`) with the first column containing non-duplicated barcodes assigned to the cells. Other columns can optionally be added for example sample, condition, patient, etc. - `data:info_data-test-sched.json`: a dataset metadata file with at least, a *link*, *tissue*, *description* and *note* fields (see the first lines of `data-test-sched.R`). Please note that **any processing steps (filtering, doublets removal) that will not be evaluated in the benchmark should be done in this repo**. Likewise, if you want to assess the effect of processing later on, don't include these steps yet. II. Fill in the metadata in the `config.sh` and in the R script. Be especially aware of: - `IN_PREFIX['data_generation_script']` : which **should match your data generation script**. It will allow to track any changes to it and rerun the workflow should it be modified. - `TAG_LIST=("")`: this is the keyword(s) defining your dataset. There is typically 1 keyword per omnibenchmark pipeline (e.g. "normalization_benchmark"), which allows any of its components to query all data with this keyword. ### 3. Load your data in Renku Simply run `bash src/load_dataset.sh` once you have correctly formated the data and filled in the metadata fields. The origin of your dataset is now tracked by Renku and you can use it for the next steps. ### 4. Process the dataset If you have added all dataset that you need for your benchmark, continue with the next step of omnibenchmark: [the processing of your data](https://github.com/ansonrel/contributed-project-templates/tree/main/omnibench-processing)